US meatpacking workers hesitant to return to work despite executive order

Source and photo credit: Global Ag Media/The Pig Site 16 June 2020US meatpacking unions report ...

German slaughterhouses under fire over ‘insufficient precautionary measures’ to block COVID-19 spread

Source: Katy Askew,, 14 May 2020, photo credit: Pixabay/GIJC19 An outbreak of coronavirus in ...

Global food price index falls to a 17-month low

Source: Bizcommunity, 4 Jun 2020, photo credit: Photka/Getty Images/Woman’sDay Global commodity food prices fell for ...

Formulating piglet diets without adding antibiotics

Source: Pig Progress, 27 March 2019, photo credit: MorningChores As it becomes increasingly uncommon to ...

Modelling the global economic consequences of a major ASF outbreak in China

Source:, photo credit: Swedbrand Group African swine fever (ASF) has spread into East Asia ...

Agribusiness confidence fell to the lowest level since the 2009 financial crisis

Source: Agbiz media release, 15 June 2020, photo credit: TIBCO Software The Agbiz/IDC Agribusiness Confidence ...

SA posts healthy agri trade surplus despite COVID-19 crisis

Source: Pieter Dempsey, Farmer’s Weekly, 9 June 2020, photo credit: Arviem/ The South African agriculture ...

Increase in crime poses threat to agriculture

Source: Tommie Esterhuyse, chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence: Rural Safety, media release, Agri ...

Climate advisory for the 2020 winter season

Source: Media release, department of agriculture, land reform and rural development, photo credit: WallpaperUP Drought ...

COVID-19 to plunge global economy into worst recession since World War II

Source: The World Bank media release, photo credit: Inc./Getty Images WASHINGTON, June 8, 2020 — ...

China’s Techbank builds Asia’s largest pig slaughterhouse

Source: Pig Progress, photo credit: Techbank Food/Pig Progress Techbank Food, the 6th largest pig producer ...

Livestock industry sets record straight on the spread of Covid-19

Source: Anna-Lisa Laca, AGWEB, photo credit: Iemas Financial Services In response to recent claims that ...