SAPPO Academy update

SAPPO Academy was established in 2022, following the closure of the Baynesfield Training Academy, with ...

Welcome to 2024

2024 is going to be an interesting year with numerous challenges, both at home in ...

SAPPO participates in the AMR hackathon

An initiative of The Trinity Challenge and the South African Medical Research Council The recent ...

What role should the feed industry play in achieving One Health in pork production?

The World Health Organization defines One Health as a holistic approach to enhancing the well-being ...

The history and future of the Spanish swine industry

In the late 1990s, the Spanish swine industry faced a crucial decision … whether to ...

International pig prices continue to fall: For how long and how far?

In the late 1990s, the Spanish swine industry faced a crucial decision … whether to ...

Neonatal diarrhoea: Prevalence of enteric pathogens

Neonatal diarrhoea, a complex condition prevalent on pig farms, results in economic losses due to ...

How important is animal welfare to Europeans?

In recent results of a Eurobarometer survey, it becomes evident that safeguarding the well-being of ...

Sizzle and bytes: The delicious intersection of pork and AI

Is it not a fascinating world we now live in where the aroma of sizzling ...

Feedback from the Agri SA Congress

Earlier this month, SAPPO attended the 2023 Agri SA Congress.  With farmer delegates from all ...

2023 SAPPO Farmers’ Days

SAPPO’s business development unit enables pig producers to be economically viable through transferring industry intelligence, ...