SA Pork December 2023: A leap forward in communication

We’re pleased to present the outcomes of our promotional efforts across various digital and print platforms for December 2023.

Print advertising: Consistency and creativity in December 2023

Our investment in print advertising was just under par with the previous year, showcasing a strategy of steady and effective outreach. A significant highlight was our pork fact strip advertisements in December, complementing pork recipe editorials in various magazines. We brought a creative twist to instances where magazines lacked relevant content. By designing complete artwork, including mouth-watering recipes, we not only enhanced the appeal of the publications, but also successfully negotiated cost-effective deals. These negotiations allowed us to pay solely for the strip advertisement, rather than the more expensive full-page ad and double-page spreads.

A snapshot of our print advertising impact

 December 2022  December 2023  
Total community12 164 004 (SA Pork) / 12 164 004 (SAPPO Selekt)  11 048 484 (SA Pork)  
Total print readership 8 964 863 (SA Pork) / 8 964 863 (SAPPO Selekt)7 603 474 (SA Pork)  
Total copies733 709 (SA Pork) / 733 709 (SAPPO Selekt)522 444 (SA Pork)  

Digital communications: expanding horizons in December

In line with SA Pork’s ongoing strategy to innovate within the digital space for pork consumers, December saw us reallocate a portion of funds from our print budget to test new digital initiatives. A significant milestone was incorporating TikTok into our communication array, joining our established presence on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X, Suzy, YouTube, and Google.

Join us in celebrating these successes as we continue to push the boundaries in reaching pork consumers through these digital channels.

A snapshot of our digital communication impact

 December 2022  December 2023  
Total impressions331 82515 361 352
Total reach403 5366 311 222
Total engagement153 861540 158
Total video views01 301 780
Total followers1 86128 536

Looking to the future

As we look ahead to 2024, our primary objective is clear – to significantly expand the presence of pork in the digital landscape. We are committed to not only increasing our footprint but also enhancing the impact and engagement of our content. This endeavour will not only reinforce SA Pork’s position as the meat of choice in the animal protein category, but also ensure that our pork facts and delicious pork recipes resonate more profoundly with consumers across various digital platforms. Our journey into 2024 is set to be a transformative one, marking a new era of digital excellence and community connection for SA Pork.

As we look ahead to 2024, our primary objective is clear – to significantly expand the presence of pork in the digital landscape. We are committed to not only increasing our footprint but also enhancing the impact and engagement of our content. This endeavour will not only reinforce SA Pork’s position as the meat of choice in the animal protein category, but also ensure that our pork facts and delicious pork recipes resonate more profoundly with consumers across various digital platforms. Our journey into 2024 is set to be a transformative one, marking a new era of digital excellence and community connection for SA Pork.