Standards in the context of sustainability

In the past, standards were introduced – especially in the world of products – to ‘guarantee’ efficacy and quality. An example is the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) stamp of approval for a disinfectant which claims to have a 99% kill rate for a certain pathogen; the SABS stamp of approval would verify and endorse the claim.  Another example of where standards are used is in registration of a feed mill by the Animal Feed Manufacturers Association (AFMA); the registration endorses that the feed mill manufactures feed to the standard they set out.

Sustainability has become an important buzzword in all spheres of life across the globe. Many people are acutely aware of the damage we are causing to our planet with our daily activities, so it is incumbent upon all of us to act and act swiftly. The adoption of standards, which could also be referred to as best practice, by anyone involved in manufacturing, farming, production of energy, transport, etc., is a necessity to moderate and adapt our behaviour to save our planet.

Current standards should be reviewed, and new standards introduced with the sustainability of the planet foremost in our minds.