Vietnam suspends use of ASF vaccine

On 25 August, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) sent a document to ...

ASF, inflation, and policies challenge growth while trade prospects rise

Global pork trade should pick up in the second half of 2022. Feed and energy ...

Slurry management: Strategies based on anaerobic digestion

In a surplus situation, the best option is to export the digestate obtained following anaerobic ...

Estimated global pork consumption

Based on figures from official sources, a consolidation and projection of pork consumption was conducted. ...

Letting go of past certainties

With October on the horizon and 2022 entering its last mile, there is a notable ...

FMD update

There are currently 146 open cases of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in South Africa emanating from ...

Look out for these festive recipes

It’s that time of the year again, when the team at SA Pork are well ...

A kaleidoscope of experiences delivered

The 2022 SAPPO AGM + EXPO certainly delivered a kaleidoscope of experiences. The EXPO, which ...

Business development: The success of people-based development

Kgadi Senyatsi, head of business development at SAPPO, started her presentation with an overview of ...

Meet the leadership for 2022/2023

The highly anticipated annual gathering of the South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) with primary ...

Consumer assurance: Five key focus areas

The consumer assurance report presented by Dr Evans highlighted five key areas that their team ...

2022 SAPPO AGM: Prepare for a kaleidoscope of experiences

This year’s annual general meeting (AGM) is about networking of primary producers with value chain stakeholders. ...