Gerard Braak lê tuig neer

Gerard Braak het vir etlike jare diep spore in die georganiseerde varkvleisbedryf getrap, maar hy ...

Geoff ‘could see through the clutter’

Geoff Leach, who passed away on 24 December 2018, will be remembered for his life-long ...

Traceability pays off: Boosted sales and ‘dramatically’ reduced complaints

Marks and Spencer first implemented a DNA sampling system across its beef supply chain in ...

ASF in China appears out of control

Vincent ter Beek, Editor of Pig Progress The African Swine Fever (ASF) situation in China appears ...

Breakthrough: New research 
shows the pig is out of pork

Pork now often ranks as the favourite meat in urban African households – it’s official. ...

US-UK food standards war breaks out

The Government has been warned against a “race to the bottom” in food standards, following ...

Four tech trends impacting agriculture in 2019

Technology continues to play a prominent role in the development of agriculture globally while helping ...

Farmers show muscle in watershed case on property values

Agri SA is elated by the recent judgement of the Land Claims Court which confirms ...

Is South African agriculture really dominated by big commercial farms?

Johann Kirsten and Wandile Sihlobo The redistribution of farms should prioritise farm dwellers and workers, ...

New disease detection system promises faster and cheaper results for vets

Agricultural inspectors and vets hoping to contain the spread of animal diseases can now turn ...

Gene editing ruling harms EU pig breeding

Benny van Haandel, E-barn Solutions After postponing several times, the European Court of Justice decided last ...

Second case of PEDv found in Alberta, Canada

Although details are limited at this time, Alberta Pork (Canada) has announced a second hog ...