Source: Darcy Maulsby, Pig Progress, 14 June 2021, photo credit: Pig Progress
The impact of China on global pork production and demand is undeniable, especially since the 2021 World Mega Producer List clearly indicates the rise of China, with an increase of almost 5 million sows.
6 Chinese companies were among the top-10 producers on the world mega producer list, a comprehensive listing of the world’s largest producers. Specifically, these companies have more than 100,000 sows.
The massive investment ($ 60 billion US) to rebuild China’s swine industry devastated by African Swine Fever can be seen in multiple company expansions, noted breeding company Genesus. The company reported that the China sow numbers were from late 2020, prior to the second wave of African Swine Fever.
Genesus identified 40 world mega producers this year that together manage 16.5 million sows. “This is a testament to these companies’ faith in the future and profitability of pork consumption,” noted Jim Long, president-CEO of Genesus, which showcased this list during the 2021 World Pork Expo.
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The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) coordinates industry interventions and collaboratively manages risks in the value chain to enable the sustainability and profitability of pork producers in South Africa.