What lessons are we learning from the coronavirus pandemic?

Source: Sifiso Ntombela, Fin24, 15 July, photo credit: News24/Citypress

More than 100 days since the first coronavirus case was reported in South Africa and more than 90 days since lockdown levels were introduced, have you stopped to ponder what things you may be learning from this devastating pandemic?

There are quite a few lessons that are being taught by this horrible plague that is Covid-19.

As we continue to grapple with the pandemic, we are learning that historically inflexible systems can suddenly become flexible. Indeed, systems, cultures and missions, can change, when there is the will to do so.

Strength and resilience

Covid-19 is displaying the strength and resilience of our nation in the face of adversity. In spite of the hard times we face, by and large, we are enduring the hardships with valour and the majority of us are complying with the safety measures necessitated to stop the further spread of the virus.

Our healthcare workers, from physicians and nursing staff, support medical personnel and all others, have risked their lives in the call of duty during this turmoil.

We are learning to appreciate health workers for their courageous dedication, as they face the hardship of performing their jobs while wearing hazmat suits and enduring long hours to heal the sick and fragile. The Rainbow Nation has much to be proud of.
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