Comparing dry, wet/dry and liquid feeding of meal and pelleted finisher pig diets

Source: 13 August 2020, photo credit: National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff/AgWeb Feed ...

Finding the key to agricultural growth in South Africa

Source: Wandile Sihlobo, Bizcommunity, 5 August 2020, photo credit: Medium One of the big questions ...

Moving to Level 2: Is this the end of the beginning?

Source: Stephen Grootes, Daily Maverick, 17 August 2020, photo credit: The move to a ...

Tiger Brands to sell meat businesses for R253m

Source: Karl Gernetzky, Business Day, 17 August 2020, photo credit: WebMD Tiger Brands has reached ...

What is the outlook for the global pork industry up to 2029?

Source: SAPPO, August 2020, photo credit: Dronelife The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – ...

SA Pork becomes the food pillar in annual iconic digital campaign

Source: SAPPO News, July 2020, photo credit: Creative Imagining Media24 has taken the lead in ...

China to auction 10,000 tonnes of frozen pork on 14 August

Source: The Pig Site, 11 August 2020, photo credit: China will sell 10,000 tonnes ...

USA researchers discover compound that blocks PRRS virus

Source: Jennifer Shike, Farm Journal’s Pork, 6 August 2020, photo credit: Sofia, June 18, 2015/ Independent ...

Brazilian industry points out shortage risk of veterinary medicines

Source: Pig Progress, 7 August 2020, photo credit: Pig World Brazilian livestock producers have been ...

Why the African free trade area could be the game-changer for the continent’s economies

Source: The Conversation, 2 August 2020, photo credit: World Finance Most economists see structural transformation ...

Improved procurement and sourcing within the food industry

Foodfocus, By Doug Hunter of Syspro, 28 July 2020, photo credit: Page Executive The food ...

There’s no turning back the clock after Covid – we need a reconstruction programme

Source: Saul Levin and Neva Makgetla, Maverick Citizen, 4 August 2020, photo credit: European Digital ...