SA Pork community research

SA Pork is currently conducting qualitative research and various vox pops (video interviews) in Soweto ...

Collective responsibility

The recent outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) are telling of ...

Behind the scenes

On Tuesday 19 July, the team from SA Pork accompanied Kirby Kruger from Gazebo Academy ...

What does it mean to be a pig farmer in 2022?

While we had everyone together in one place at the National Council meeting on 28 ...

SA Pork supports SA Rugby

The All Blacks squad of 36 players will be arriving any day now for their ...

The Pig Clinic: Sharing advice with SA pig keepers in local communities

At the beginning of April 2022, it was decided that a new series of short ...

National Council Meeting feedback

SAPPO’s National Council met on 28 June to reflect and deliberate on SAPPO’s future strategy. ...

Feedback from the 2022 IPVS Congress

This year’s International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ...

Let’s tell our story

SAPPO SELEKT is a new initiative that was born out of the need to close ...

The new Pig Passport

Together with SUISAG, the service partner for Swiss pig producers and international genetics customers, Cloudfarms ...

Kgadi’s take on resilience

by Kgadi Senyatsi What are the values and principles that you draw on to guide ...