Weaning piglets – is the glass half full or half empty?

How many piglets can be weaned per litter? Much of that depends on genetics and ...

Resurgence of ‘old’ bacterial diseases in pigs: Why?

Three bacterial diseases considered under control recently flared up creating new challenges in hog operations. ...

Swine research: Are the risks worth the rewards?

The pace of change is accelerating, especially in food and protein production. Research and technology ...

Growing optimism about South Africa’s 2019/20 maize harvest

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also joined the party in forecasting a potentially big ...

East Cape farmers’ high-tech crime-fighting plan

Travellers in the rural Eastern Cape may start spotting something usually not associated with the ...

A global look at African swine fever

When it comes to discussing African swine fever (ASF), it’s almost easier to say where ...

SAPPO’s latest ASF update

Here is SAPPO’s latest ASF update for the period 10 April to 11 September 2019.Read ...

ASF in Philippines, outbreaks confirmed near Manila

The Philippines has confirmed that the dead pigs found in several farms near Manila indeed ...

New pig welfare code launched in England

The UK government has updated the welfare code for pigs on English farms.Read more

Chinese pork prices escalate, consumption plummets

As the Chinese people look to celebrate one of their seven national holidays this week, ...

Good faith in the food industry – Don’t take it for granted!

 Nuno F. Soares Two recent Food Safety related news releases caught my attention: incidents where ...

Genetic selections indexes: Is equal value created?

Those with significant exposure to genetic indexes understand you are not able to directly compare ...