US pork exports climb in August

A combination of emerging as well as traditional markets helped US pork exports skyrocket in ...

Will heavier pigs in China create opportunities for U.S. farmers?

High feeding margins in China are motivating Chinese pork producers to feed market hogs to ...

U.S. and China report conflicting pork sales to China

Chinese firms claim they have purchased 700,000 metric tons of pork from the U.S. this ...

How 3D printing, vertical farming, and materials science are overhauling food

Food. What we eat, and how we grow it, will be fundamentally transformed in the ...

Acidifiers: A piece of the AMR puzzle

Countries worldwide have developed new policies to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal production ...

Studying back fat quality while verifying the South African pork classification system

Rita Myburgh, Food Science Division, Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology at the University ...

The green economy as a sustainable development path

According to the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), South Africa sees green economy as a ...

Rain renews hope of normal agriculture season

By Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural Economist at FNB 28 October 2019: Recent rains in some ...

New publication on mitigating mycotoxins

Mitigating mycotoxins is a huge global challenge with no universal solution. Developments need to happen ...

SA farmers optimistic about the 2019/20 production season

Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz South Africa’s summer crop farmers are upbeat about the 2019/20 production season ...

NERPO presents 10 year master plan to transform red meat industry

The red meat industry is one of the least transformed industries within the agricultural sector ...

The NA pork industry: Political football of the year

An arrest-detainment, shipment suspensions, forged documents and more round out this year’s China-related challenges – ...