The new Pig Passport

Together with SUISAG, the service partner for Swiss pig producers and international genetics customers, Cloudfarms introduces an innovative application of its existing production management system to pig producers. The Pig Passport enables breeding farms, production farms, and processors to register and analyse production data of each individual pig from birth to processing. The registered production data contains information such as the pig’s genetic pedigree, feed consumption, and health information. An electronic ear tag connected to the Cloudfarms Mobile App allows fast, reliable, and easy data entry for each pig directly in the barn. The individual animal data are made available in real-time reports through the Cloudfarms web application.

In cooperation with SUISAG, the first pig producers in Switzerland and Germany have started to test the innovative software application in their daily operations. Thereby, the Cloudfarms Mobile App is integrated into SuisDataManager, the existing reporting solution from SUISAG, which is widely used by pig producers in Switzerland. As part of the test phase, the software application will be further customised to the pig producers’ specific needs. In the next phase, SUISAG will make the Cloudfarms Mobile App and the SuisDataManager available to all interested pig producers in Switzerland and Germany.

“So far, individual tracking is only common on specializsd breeding farms, whereas on production farms, pigs are typically managed as groups, not as individuals. Now, each animal receives a so-called digital passport, which can be used throughout the supply chain,” says Cloudfarms’ managing director Jens Toppenberg. “Allowing more traceability, transparency and precision, individual management of pigs is the foundation to address key challenges of the pig industry such as food safety, animal health, efficient and sustainable production, and full transparency for consumers.”

In combination with the existing Field-to-Fork Traceability Platform from Cloudfarms, the Pig Passport enables integrators, pig producers, feed mills, and processors to create added value along the supply chain. For example, they can track and sort individual pigs, according to parent lines or type of feed consumed. In this way, Cloudfarms supports the industry in meeting the growing demand for safe and nutritious food at affordable prices, while improving operational management and reducing environmental impact.

The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) coordinates industry interventions and collaboratively manages risks in the value chain to enable the sustainability and profitability of pork producers in South Africa.