EU: Farmers are reported as feeling demotivated because of ‘agri-bashing’

Source:, photo credit: Jago Times

Does “agri-bashing” impact farmers’ moods? The EU Farmers’ Confidence
Barometer conducted an initial survey to assess the reality of this concept.

While the concept of “agri-bashing” is on the rise in the media across various EU Member States, the precise definition remains elusive. The definition of “agri-bashing” varies from one country to another. The survey carried out by Copa-Cogeca within the scope of its Confidence Barometer aimed at understanding where farmers felt the majority of unfair criticism was coming from (be this from traditional sources or social media) and the impact it had on their motivation to continue farming.

As part of the semestrial Farmers’ Confidence Barometer, Copa-Cogeca ran a survey among 2,500 farmers from four different EU countries in order to see whether they perceived themselves as being criticised for their farming practices during the first quarter of 2020. The four countries included were Italy, Hungary, France and Germany.
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