A positive outlook for SA’s agricultural exports

Recent media reports have flagged disruptions in global meat markets, particularly the US beef market. ...

Biosecurity only defence against African swine fever

As the rest of South Africa fights the disastrous Coronavirus, in the Eastern Cape, farmers ...

A resilient Africa will continue to rise above the Covid-19 crisis

Africa Day (25 May) is an annual opportunity to reflect on the progress we have ...

Rising electricity tariffs are a major constraint for agriculture and the overall economy

Nicol Jansen, Agri SA Chairman: Economics and Trade Centre of Excellence NERSA has announced its ...

SAPPO radio campaign could reach 13.3 million people

SAPPO’s radio consumer campaign to reassure consumers that pork is safe to consume, delicious, affordable ...

African swine fever vaccine saves 100% of pigs in UK trial

Pig farmers have been buoyed by news of a vaccine that has protected pigs from ...

Restricting maize imports bad idea during a pandemic

Wandile Sihlobo, 25 May 2020 Since the pandemic started, several countries have adopted restrictive trade ...

More relief for the agriculture after another repo rate

Comment by Paul Makube, senior agricultural economist at FNB Agri-Business A combination of favourable crude ...

SPACE 2020 will not go forward

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting crisis, SPACE 2020, which was scheduled for ...

Brazil creates a platform for e-commerce of agricultural and livestock products

The aim of the platform is to facilitate the marketing of products from the field, ...

Australians connect new bacteria to lung disease in pigs

Australian researchers have discovered that a previously recognised bacterium is responsible for the signs of ...

How code is improving food security

Bizcommunity, 7 May 2020 The evolution of civilisation runs hand-in-glove with the earliest forays by ...