From bread prices to petrol: How a war in Ukraine could hit SA pockets

Carin Smith, Fin24, 28 February 2022, photo credit: 123RF/roxiller If the Russian invasion of Ukraine ...

Aligning and integrating for a self-managed future

Pork 360 strategy meeting feedback: Aligning and integrating for a self-managed future THE 12 FACTORS ...

IPVS 2022

IPVS 2022 The specialisation in veterinary medicine and the increase in the importance of swine ...


Achieving optimal gut health and performance in piglets The post-weaning period is the most crucial ...

Feedback from the EPP

A word from the CEO Feedback from the EPP Johan Kotzé recently attended the European ...

Dealing with an ASF disaster

by Dr Peter Evans Resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; ...

FMD in South Africa

A word from the CEO Click the Image below to play the video. FMD in ...

Things to remember when starting a pig farming enterprise

Production costs are very high. This is not the time to allow unproductive animals to ...

The importance of South Africa’s compartment system

South Africa’s compartment system came under the spotlight when African swine fever (ASF) occurred in ...


Derick van der Walt 14 July 1958–24 March 2022 It is with extreme sadness that ...

Pig semen can fly in Rwanda

Source: Vincent ter Beek, Pig Progress, 21 February 2022, photo credit: 123RF/ Rwanda media report ...