Food security in Africa depends on rethinking outdated water law

Barbara Schreiner, the executive director of the Pegasys Institute, contributed to this article. A new ...

Antimicrobial stewardship

By Dr Caraliegh Stander, CS Vet Antimicrobial resistance is not a new topic and it ...

Leftovers, ASF and sustainability

With the ongoing spread of African Swine Fever in China, the use of swill has ...

The piggery pest war

By Dr Caraleigh Stander, CS Vet One aspect that all farmers in every agricultural industry ...

Using piggery waste as a valuable by-product

After eight years of revamping,  Baynesfield Estate outside Pie–termaritzburg now boasts a new expanded piggery ...

Congratulations to the team of Joseph Baynes Estate

On the photo are from left: Dirk Uys (Bayer), Edward Vorster (Mahela Farming, farmer of ...

Hard work rewarded

Thobile Mpontshane, a pig producer from Jozini in northern KwaZulu-Natal, was named DAFF’s commercial female ...

Strict measures to stop ASF in China

Chinese authorities have announced strict new measures in an attempt to halt the country’s fast-growing ...

Flies may be responsible for ASF spread

Flies that have been in contact with pigs infected with African swine fever (ASF) could ...

Agbiz and Agri SA reacts strongly against amendment of the Constitution

Agbiz “Agbiz has noted with disappointment and concern the recommendation by the Constitutional Review Committee ...

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