SA Pork
SA plants smallest maize area since worst drought
South African maize farmers, who historically produce the continent’s biggest harvest, have probably planted the ...
China’s US pork imports plunge in 2018 as trade war bites
Reporting by Dominique Patton, additional reporting by Beijing Newsroom, Reuters China’s imports of pork from ...
Price of petrol, diesel rises in February
The Department of Energy has announced the petrol and diesel price changes for February 2019, ...
How global warming is adding to the health risks of poor people
By Prof Lenore Manderson, Visiting Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies, Brown University, USA, and Distinguished ...
Drought survey: Severe crisis conditions in rural areas
Food security is a hard-won privilege and can easily be lost due to the persistent ...
FMD: SAPPO compartments to play major role
Task teams to soften blow of FMD outbreak A steering committee and three task teams ...
2019 Ensminger Symposium attracts international speakers
The Ensminger Pig Symposiums follow a rich tradition of over 50 years of sharing up ...
How does disease surveillance work?
Dr LAura Roberts, Veterinary Service, Western Cape Disease surveillance is one of the main functions ...
Organic agriculture is going mainstream, but not the way you think it is
One of the biggest knocks against the organics movement is that it has begun to ...
Rise of the ‘megafarms’: How UK agriculture is being sold off and consolidated
If you were to visit the English countryside 15 years ago, you would have found nine ...
SAPPO Board 2018/2019
SAPPO’s Board 2018/2019 Charl Braak, Myles van Deventer, Stephen Butt (vice-chairman), Stefan Guizot, Johan van ...
Russia: ASF reduced backyard farms; large farms profit
Backyard farming, once the major method of pig production in Russia, is bit by bit ...