Advice on which diets are good for climate change

Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, has released new research which reveals that eating meat ...

Australia on alert as ASF spreads through neighboring country

The small Pacific nation of East Timor is restricting the movement of pigs in an ...

Russia’s pig industry turns loss-making

More than half of all pig farms in Russia are at risk of becoming loss-making ...

North American Meat Institute revises animal care guidelines

The North American Meat Institute (Meat Institute) has updated science-based animal care guidelines and audit ...

South Korea reports first case of African swine fever

South Korea discovered its first outbreak of deadly African swine fever (ASF) at a pig ...

Pork checkoff moving remittance payments into online system

The National Pork Board (NPB) of the USA has announced plans to migrate Pork Checkoff ...

Japan allows classical swine fever vaccination of pigs

After a long debate, Japan has decided to allow the vaccination of pigs to prevent ...

Restaurant animal welfare marketing is ineffective

Despite growing pressure on American restaurants from animal activists, linking animal welfare to marketing programs ...

Food safety auditing: An industry in transition

With the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in 2011, the food industry ...

Positioning agriculture as a key driver of Africa’s growth

The potential to increase Africa’s agricultural yields through the strategic use of data could place ...

Does certified organic mean what we think it does?

There’s something of a civil war brewing in the organic movement. On one side are ...