It’s unlikely the US will escape ASF

Source: Dennis DiPietre and Lance Mulberry, Farm Journal’s Pork, 20 August 2021, photo credit: Wallpapercave

There is a palpable feeling of concern about the emergence of African swine fever (ASF) on US soil now that it has entered our hemisphere on the island nation of the Dominican Republic. While there are lots of reasons to believe its presence there is not a sure sign it will penetrate the US industry, still, everyone in the past two years has become acutely focused on the disease and how slippery it is to contain. 

One of the biggest “educators” for lay citizens and industry professionals has come via the COVID-19 pandemic and its surprising re-emergence this summer when most viral diseases go dormant before springing back into action around October. For pork producers, the arrival of an especially virulent form of PRRS along with ASF in Germany and now again on a large farm in South Korea, and its leap from wild boars to seemingly biosecure production systems in Poland remind us disease control and elimination is possible but always fraught with high probability of failure.
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