Why is one health important?

Source: Dr Thandi Chiappero, SAPPO News July 2021, photo credit: OIE One health is where ...

South Africa says $750bn a year needed for climate goals

Source: Antony Sguazzin, Bloomburg/Fin 24, 31 July 2021, photo credit: SciTechDaily Environment, Forestry and Fisheries ...

July 2021 turning point in SA’s political economy

Source: Prof Johan Willemse, SAPPO News July 2021: photo credit: ISG July 2021 will be ...

ANC members prepare for more violence on 10 August — report

Source: MYBROADBAND, 1 August 2021, photo credit: RTE A protest is already being planned for ...

Farming bodies join hands to supply food aid after unrest

Source: Pieter Dempsey, Farmer’s Weekly, 28 July 2021, photo credit: Hunger Solutions Following the recent ...

Agribusinesses have an important role in rebuilding South Africa after recent unrest

Source: Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz, Agbiz e-newsletter 30 July 2021 (This essay first appeared on News24, ...

Steep fuel prices announced for this week

Source: Compiled by Lameez Omarjee, Fin24, 31 July 2021, photo credit: Sky News The petrol ...

China’s soybean imports to slow in 2021 due to collapse in pig profitability

Source:  The Pig Site , 26 July 2021, photo credit: Organic Facts China’s soybean imports ...

U.S. Continues to take steps to keep African swine fever out

Source: AgDay TV/Farm Journal’s Pork, 21 July 2021, photo credit: Foodtank The U.S. is continuing ...

New legislation on pork labelling in Italy

Source: Treena Hein, Pig Progress, 29 June 2021, photo credit: European Commission Italy will soon ...

African farmers could benefit from more friendly EU agriculture policies

Source: Hans Wetzels, Bizcommunity, 13 July 2021, photo credit: Center for Global Development Gilbert Bor ...

Effect of protein restriction on compensatory growth regulation in pigs

Source: Pig333.com, 20 July 2021, photo credit:  The Pig Site A period of protein restriction ...