SONA and engagement with the government

John Purchase, chief executive officer: Agbiz President Ramaphosa’s State of the Nation Address last week ...

Why South African Pork is now SA Pork

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Painful management procedures must be addressed for the future of swine farming

UK and European animal welfare researchers investigating the expression of pain in pigs discuss working ...

Shifting consumer trends require a more open dialogue

Baby boomers have long dominated the retail marketplace — and they’ve been loyal meat customers. ...

There is more than one way to reduce pig feed cost

Dr Ioannis Mavromichalis Recent hog prices in the US have left little desire to expand ...

A record year for SA’s agricultural exports

Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz Recently released data on SA’s agricultural trade for December 2018 paint a ...

COP 24: What you must know

The Conference of Parties to the Paris agreement on climate change (COP24) met in Poland ...

Early indicators for tail biting in pigs

Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen Should pigs in the EU keep the end of their tails, or ...

Simple biosecurity measures offer significant production gains, scientists say

Taking simple steps to improve biosecurity and welfare on pig farms can significantly reduce the ...

Industry and government must help producers prepare for new German castration ban, pig vet says

With new legislation in Germany banning castration without full anaesthesia starting in 2021, the time ...

Japan sees CSF cases rise alarmingly

China is fighting African Swine Fever (ASF), but the Japanese have their own battle to ...

New vaccine developed for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus

A recent paper in Porcine Health Management shows that a live virus vaccine for porcine ...