The world after Covid-19 – redefining the global social compact

Glen Heneck, Daily Maverick In the worst-case Covid-19 scenario there will be whole towns, or ...

PCV3: When do you intervene?

Jennifer Shike, Farm Journal’s Pork Emily Byers, DVM, with Prestage Farms, is frequently asked: How ...

Lockdown has bought us time, Professor Salim Karim says, as South Africa bucks the trend

A proactive approach to fighting community transmissions of coronavirus infections has given South Africa the ...

One of the largest pork processing facilities in the US is closing until further notice

New York (CNN Business) One of the country’s largest pork processing facilities is closing until ...

When the going gets tough, farmers are on familiar territory

Dr Kobus Laubscher, Bizcommunity South African farmers are old hands at adapting to uncertain and ...

Huge reaction to SAPPO’s #YesMrPresident campaign

There was huge positive reaction to SAPPO’s #YesMrPresident campaign, which was launched on 2 April. ...

China spurs its pig companies to invest abroad

The Chinese government is encouraging pig producing companies to invest in pig production, both in ...

US: Foot and mouth disease preparedness is high priority

The world knows how quickly a virus can spread, as COVID-19 extends its tendrils throughout ...

Covid-19 put 37 million jobs in USA at risk

The scale of job losses is likely to hit unprecedented levels in the coming weeks ...

Massive fuel drop helps offset cost pressures for the agriculture sector

Comment by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural economist at FNB Agri-Business 01 April 2020– The South ...

Finding Common Ground by Wandile Sihlobo now available

Finding Common Ground is a selection of key articles from Agbiz chief economist Wandile Sihlobo’s ...

Understanding South Africa’s agriculture trade patterns

After reaching a record level of $10.6-billion in 2018, South Africa’s agricultural exports fell by ...