Tag Archives: ASF

The feed additives market for 2023 and beyond

Correspondent Treena Hein at All About Feed recently interviewed Isamael Roig, the president of animal ...

EPP Congress 2023

The European Pig Producers Club (EPP) is a network of leading pig producers with the ...

GARA Gap Analysis Workshop 2023: Kampala, Uganda, February 2023

The Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance (GARA), an initiative of the United States Department ...

The evolution of international pig prices and the ‘China factor’

The news broke in mid-October that private operators in the Chinese market were buying large ...

African swine fever (ASF) update

Overview African swine fever (ASF) is a fatal disease affecting domestic pigs, European wild boars, ...

Bittersweet balance struck on BTA closure

In what could be described as a bittersweet moment for the industry, the South African ...

Feedback from the 2022 IPVS Congress

This year’s International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ...