Novel swine flu strain: Some critical thoughts on research findings from China

Source:, MIT Sloan Management Review

Pig 333 has interviewed Kristien Van Reeth, professor of virology and swine influenza virus expert. She believes these interesting research findings need much more nuance, and tries to put things in perspective.

A novel swine influenza virus variant has become widespread in swine populations in China since 2016 and has “all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus”, according to a recent publication in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US” (PNAS).

This swine flu strain has been identified and studied by a team of researchers from the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, China. They claim that “immediate action is needed to prevent the efficient transmission of this H1N1 swine flu variant to humans”. The PNAS article has received abundant media attention.
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