Don’t miss SAPPO’s webinars

Source: SAPPO News, July 2020, photo credit: ALS Association

SAPPO is adjusting to the “new normal” and we are planning four webinars before the end of the year. They promise to keep producers and other stakeholders up to date, not only about SAPPO’s activities, but also on what is happening in the rest of the world.

On 2 September SAPPO will host a webinar session reflecting on  SAPPO’s activities for 2019/20. Although the session will mainly be aimed at SAPPO members, other stakeholders will be welcome to join. Our portfolio committees will report back on their activities the past year. There will also be messages from myself and our chairman, Johann van der Walt and feedback about the organisation’s finances.

A delegate each of DanBred, Topigs Norsvin and PIC, will be the guest speakers of our webinar on 3 September. They will talk about COVID-19 and the change in the global pork landscape, focussing on current and future perspectives.Our webinar on 8 September will focus on changes in consumer behaviour as it relates to the meat industry after Covid-19, as well as how to market to this changed audience.

In October SAPPO will host a webinar aimed at the industry’s input suppliers. Communication and marketing trends and SAPPO’s plans in this regard will be put in the spotlight.

Technical detail about how to join these discussions and information about the guest speakers will follow.

The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) coordinates industry interventions and collaboratively manages risks in the value chain to enable the sustainability and profitability of pork producers in South Africa.