Cable theft causes havoc at Johannesburg market

Source: Media release Agri SA, 29 October 2021, Daily Maverick

Johannesburg market is facing serious challenges due to cable theft since 26 October 2021.

“The lack of electricity has a disastrous impact on the quality and safety of agricultural products,” says Christo van der Rheede, Agri SA executive director.

At the present moment the power has still not been restored. “This is unacceptable for a market that provides agricultural products to 15 million people daily.”

Agri SA appeals to the Johannesburg City mayor and council to do everything in their power to restore electricity supply to the Johannesburg market. And to put the necessary security measures in place to prevent the theft of electricity cables in future.

“During power outages the market does not have the ability to supply power to the cold storage rooms. This has resulted in these storage rooms operating without cooling since 26 October 2021, with disastrous consequences to agricultural products. The value of stock in these cold rooms amounts to between R30 million and R61 million rand.”
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The South African Pork Producers’ Organisation (SAPPO) coordinates industry interventions and collaboratively manages risks in the value chain to enable the sustainability and profitability of pork producers in South Africa.