New Zealand: Farrowing crates for pigs are unlawful

Source: Vincent ter Beek, Pig Progress, 19 November 2020, photo credit: The Telegraph

The New Zealand high court has ruled the use of farrowing crates unlawful and has indicated that changes would be required to the country’s legislation.

The matter came to court because of a legal action by 2 animal welfare groups, SAFE and New Zealand Animal Law Association, back in June. They claimed that the use of farrowing crates as well as mating crates would not be in agreement with the country’s Animal Welfare Act. The first edition of that act revolves around the well-known Five Freedoms, one of them including the opportunity to display normal patterns of behaviour.

The New Zealand Animal Welfare Act stated that a stall can be used for mating purposes for the maximum of a week. Nevertheless, the use of farrowing crates continued to be permitted in practice as they were considered to be a situation of “exceptional circumstances.” In 2015, New Zealand’s parliament indicated to have a preference to phase out stalls, yet the practice continued.
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