Author Archives: SAPPO

Russia aims for a stake in the global organic meat market

Russia is going to use its “vast natural opportunities” to produce clean, organic agricultural products ...

China: Changing consumer trends influencing the pig sector

It’s obvious why this is an important discussion since commercial activity can only be sustained ...

An assessment of subsidies and support in developed and developing agriculture economies

The firm DNA Economics on behalf of the National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) ...

Smaller countries are becoming the healthiest in global surveys – but not SA

There’s more to life than money, and economists know it. As new assessments of global ...

SAPPO and DRUM’s food ambassador

Pork is in the spotlight in SAPPO and the publication DRUM’s new exiting project. The ...

Agri SA demands immediate retraction of Northern Cape ‘expropriation list’

Agri SA demands an immediate retraction of the ANC Northern Cape expropriation list. Agri SA ...

Agri SA / SAAFWUA join forces on water

Agri SA and the South African Association of Water Users Associations (SAAFWUA) on Wednesday, 13 ...

Nersa tariff decisions will hurt farmers

Agri SA is concerned about the recent Nersa tariff decisions. Any electricity price increase will ...

Gerard Braak lê tuig neer

Gerard Braak het vir etlike jare diep spore in die georganiseerde varkvleisbedryf getrap, maar hy ...

Geoff ‘could see through the clutter’

Geoff Leach, who passed away on 24 December 2018, will be remembered for his life-long ...

Traceability pays off: Boosted sales and ‘dramatically’ reduced complaints

Marks and Spencer first implemented a DNA sampling system across its beef supply chain in ...

ASF in China appears out of control

Vincent ter Beek, Editor of Pig Progress The African Swine Fever (ASF) situation in China appears ...