Author Archives: SAPPO

South Korea reports first case of African swine fever

South Korea discovered its first outbreak of deadly African swine fever (ASF) at a pig ...

Pork checkoff moving remittance payments into online system

The National Pork Board (NPB) of the USA has announced plans to migrate Pork Checkoff ...

Japan allows classical swine fever vaccination of pigs

After a long debate, Japan has decided to allow the vaccination of pigs to prevent ...

Restaurant animal welfare marketing is ineffective

Despite growing pressure on American restaurants from animal activists, linking animal welfare to marketing programs ...

Food safety auditing: An industry in transition

With the passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in 2011, the food industry ...

Positioning agriculture as a key driver of Africa’s growth

The potential to increase Africa’s agricultural yields through the strategic use of data could place ...

Does certified organic mean what we think it does?

There’s something of a civil war brewing in the organic movement. On one side are ...

SPACE 2019: Attention to environment and welfare

Reduced environmental pressure has been one of the major points of attention at the agricultural ...

Burger King rebrands as Bacon King (but drops ‘ham’ from the word ‘hamburger’)

(Source: Business Insider, Radio 702) South Africans really wanted bacon burgers, Burger King South Africa ...

August inflation higher than expected

South Africa’s consumer inflation rose by 4.3% in August, compared to 4% in July. This ...

South Africa wastes 10m tonnes of food annually

A 2017 report by the World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa (WWF-SA) – Food ...