Category Archives: Let’s Talk Indepth

How food manufacturers can ensure waste products are disposed of responsibly

The 2018 listeriosis outbreak in South Africa highlighted the importance of food safety in the ...

When fungi are no fun

Mycotoxins may be regarded as an undetectable enemy. It is often not visible to the ...

Lower emissions when pig manure is removed more often

“Do remove pig manure regularly as well as completely – and preferably remove the urine ...

Mycoplasma elimination possible, but more difficult on farrow-to-finish sites

With the right program in place, eliminating mycoplasma pneumonia is possible on many hog farms. ...

ASF: Don’t take any risk and think before you say yes

ASF, which is a serious issue in many countries at the moment, is caused by ...

How to preserve antibiotics

Dr Andrew Tucker discussed how to preserve antibiotics at the CS Vet information day in ...

CS Vet introduces new biosecurity grading system

CS Vet has introduced a new biosecurity grading system to assist producers to maintain high ...

L-Glutamine as possible antibiotic replacement in weaner diets

Glutamine is an amino acid, therefore one of the building blocks of protein. It is ...

How 3D printing, vertical farming, and materials science are overhauling food

Food. What we eat, and how we grow it, will be fundamentally transformed in the ...

Acidifiers: A piece of the AMR puzzle

Countries worldwide have developed new policies to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal production ...

Studying back fat quality while verifying the South African pork classification system

Rita Myburgh, Food Science Division, Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology at the University ...

The green economy as a sustainable development path

According to the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), South Africa sees green economy as a ...