Category Archives: Let’s Talk Indepth

Covid-19 has hit SMEs in South Africa’s food sector hard. What can be done to help them?

The Conversation, August 5, 2020, photo credit: Shutterstock/Entrepreneur India COVID-19 has prompted widespread discussion of ...

Comparing dry, wet/dry and liquid feeding of meal and pelleted finisher pig diets

Source: 13 August 2020, photo credit: National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff/AgWeb Feed ...

Finding the key to agricultural growth in South Africa

Source: Wandile Sihlobo, Bizcommunity, 5 August 2020, photo credit: Medium One of the big questions ...

Why the African free trade area could be the game-changer for the continent’s economies

Source: The Conversation, 2 August 2020, photo credit: World Finance Most economists see structural transformation ...

Improved procurement and sourcing within the food industry

Foodfocus, By Doug Hunter of Syspro, 28 July 2020, photo credit: Page Executive The food ...

There’s no turning back the clock after Covid – we need a reconstruction programme

Source: Saul Levin and Neva Makgetla, Maverick Citizen, 4 August 2020, photo credit: European Digital ...

Combating a pandemic is 500 times more expensive than preventing one, research suggests

Source: Boston University/ScienceDaily, 28 July 2020, photo credit: Shutterstock/ImageFlow/The Jakarta Post According to new research, ...

Managing colostrum production and intake for piglets

Source: Retha Engels technical advisor, Meadow Feeds, photo credit: The Pig Site Piglets are born ...

New way to detect presence of live ASFv

Source: Pig Progress, 1 August 2020, photo credit: Business Day US scientists have identified a ...

Economic recession: These guidelines may help 

Prof Johan Willemse, agricultural economist, photo credit: erhui1979 Getty Images/Fortune It is evident that the ...

Food security: How will we feed 9 billion mouths by 2037?

Dr Peter Oberem, Bizcommunity, 27 July 2020, photo credit: African Development Bank We need to ...

This is how rural areas can be developed through agriculture

Source: Wandile Sihlobo and Johann Kirsten, Business Day, 19 July 2020, photo credit: Underberg Farmers ...